Active Compliance and Treatment System (ACTS)
Logical Framework Model (LFA)
Activities | Established Technology Platform for ACTS in District Mewat (Haryana) & Chest Clinics Jahangir Puri and Mangol Puri (North Delhi) and Districts Wakiso & Kampala (Uganda) all TB Units, DMCs, PHIs and providers & patients; Established Ground teams of Volunteers for ACTS – Active Case Screening Volunteers; Orientation and Refresher Trainings with TB Management and Infrastructure teams on ACTS; Deployment of Mobile Toolkits for all – Patients, Community Providers, Treatment Supervisors, Lab Technicians, PHI staff and ASHAs and DOTS providers; Development of Training manuals and communication material for ACTS; Provisioning Mobile Devices for loaning patients (who do not have mobiles; Conducted Community awareness sessions and ACSM activities with health providers and School Children Tie-up with Local providers like Community radio, Recharge Centres
Output | Increase in Patient recruitment for ACTS (as against DOTS) for self management; Increase in Case Findings and Active testing; Reduction in Treatment initiation periods; Increase is Active Compliance and Adherence; Increase in timely follow-ups; Increase in Treatment Completion; Increase in Community level awareness around TB
Outcome | New case finding and increased load of patient #; Control in TB Transmission and spread rates; Increase in compliance (also evidence based VoT adherence); Increase in timely follow-ups; Increase in conversion rates from IP to CP; Increase in Treatment Completion rates; Decrease in MDR cases; Curtailing stigma attached to Tuberculosis
Impact | |
Indicators | % of total Patients put under ACTS (as compared to DOTS) in the area of intervention; % of new patients detected through Active Case Detection; Adherence rate of ACTS patients; Initiation time (period) of Treatment from time of detection; Follow-up rates; Sputum Conversion rate; Treatment completion rates;
Monitoring Mechanisms | Patient Recruitment details registered on ACTS platform Patient Treatment cards and Registers, Patient compliance Report Videos with Time stamps; IEC material and digital stories developed Community Activity Reports, Training Photos and attendance sheets
Assumptions | Delay in providing screening and diagnostic reports; Delay at TB Unit staff and resentment in taking up ACTS; Delay in providing screening and diagnostic reports Issues of Internet connection; Socio-cultural barriers in some Communities.