FreedomTB is an initiative of ZMQ Development to combat Tuberculosis in High Burden countries. The initiative was launched in 2006 with digital tools to create awareness among youth about TB. smoking and other related issues A game based series of CD-ROM was launched called StopTB Carnival, along with which a series of mobile phone games on TB were also launched – Safety Cricket and TB Game Show. The initiative was launched in over 3500 schools in India.
In 2007, ZMQ’s Innovation lab team won the Grand Challenges India for TB Control for its simple mobile innovation of using remote video adherence of patients based on Video Observed Therapy (VOT) for reporting daily dosages. It was built in with behavior change tools (Audio based user reminders). With this started the journey of ZMQ in building multiple solutions and models. ZMQ developed an OUT-TB Platform (Open Universal TB Treatment and Management Platform) which led to the development of a new technology Linked Strategy to combat TB in the high burden regions and communities and was called Active Compliance Treatment Strategy (ACTS). ACTS is a new approach of eradication of TB, which empowers patients, communities and supersedes the old strategy of DOTS (Direct Observation Therapy).

Winner DR-TB Lifeline QuickFire Challenge
Patient’s Active Compliance and Treatment toolkit (PACT). This mobile solution uses Video Observed Therapy (VOT) to empower patients with adherence reporting; connect them with remote health consultations and emergency care; and uses behavior change tools with the aim to promote treatment adherence.

Integrated MIRA and ACTS - Wave 7
FreedomTB is implementing Integrated MIRA Channel for MCH and Active Case finding of TB among rural women in backward Mewat District, in Haryana. The project is a TB Reach Grant under Wave-7 call supported by Stop TB Partnership and the Government of Canada.